Non-healing wounds demand significant resources from the patient, provider and healthcare system.
Is spent globally on chronic
wound care. $31.7B is spent
in the U.S alone
U.S Medicare patients suffer
from non-healing wounds
2 in 3
Chronic and ulcer wounds
in the U.S require advanced
wound care
There is a clear need for therapeutic advances in wound care to address this market. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is a clinically validated advanced treatment therapy that promotes faster wound healing with decreased healing complications. However, limitations in design and barriers in implementation of NPWT technology have impeded widespread use of the therapy. We believe current NPWT device designs are misaligned with the needs of the global market.
Devices are over-engineered, with unnecessarily complex treatment protocol configurations, overly sophisticated touchscreens, and superfluous features that ratchet up the devices costs. Their high-power requirements and limitations in portability are often barriers to use. The process of integrating the devices into a hospital’s healthcare system is resource-intensive with associated high service and training requirements. Extremely expensive rental suction units and consumables makes the therapy financially inaccessible for millions.
The $2B global industry fails miserably in reaching the majority of patients in need of therapy.